Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mighty Mites football is upon us!

OK, y'all-
I happen to have a supercute kid with his OWN sense of style. I mean that when I say it. I have not dressed this kid since he was 3- when we shop for clothes, he is allowed input on every article of clothing, his hair choices are his own (even when he looks like a crazy werewolf), and he even accessorizes. I love him to pieces, so he will be in a lot of my posts. Be forewarned. Today, I am letting you in on a secret- 5-7 year olds playing full contact football looks a LOT like the Little Giants movie. Seriously. Boy is playing for the El Paso Bandits, and, as a former football fanatic (as in, football really no longer interests me) I can tell you that watching these kids play is super entertaining. No fancy moves, no superstar touchdowns, etc- just lots of tiny people in oversized pads trying to make their way up and down the field. I promise every post won't be about this, haha. I just had to get this out there. And of course, I have to show y'all what I mean!

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