Friday, September 16, 2011

Gluten Free GREEN enchilada sauce

So, for those of you who don't know, most green chile enchilada sauces are NOT gluten free...Actually, most processed foods are no- but I will save that for another post, as that is another ball of wax altogether. Today I am celebrating the fact that green chiles are still in season, and that means that I can make a sauce that hubs, pops (Ethan), and I can eat and enjoy together.
For this, you will need :

Green chiles ( I used about a pound and a half steamed - you can roast them, too- and de-seeded)
Mushrooms - this one is to taste. friends- I like a more mushroomy sauce, so I went with approximately a quart
Gluten free all purpose flour blend ( I used Bob's Red Mill for this recipe because that is what I had on hand- i think you could get away with pretty much any flour blend, so long as you added tapioca/arrowroot/ a gum to bind it all together)
Coconut Milk- I used the asian one in the can because that one is serious. There is CREAM. YUM
Coconut Oil (or your preferred oil of choice- just make sure it can withstand a sautee without hitting its smoke point)
Garlic - 2 to 3 cloves
Salt, Pepper, pinch chipotle powder

Med. Saucepan
Jar with tight fitting lid, or gravy shaker, or whisk and bowl (I am using the jar method)

 I love our local produce guy. He packages everything in onion bags, which I promptly return to him the following week. Some of these are from my mom's garden, and some are from the garden of a little old couple in a town adjacent to us. I love food with a story, don't you? Better well said, I love to be able to tell the story of my food. So much more satisfying than mystery food. 

Pull out your favorite medium sized saucepan, and add your oil. The amount will vary with your tastes, but I add roughly a Tbs. Set to medium heat. Roughly chop your chiles, mushrooms, garlic, and toss in the pan. Once your mushrooms start to sweat, you can toss in your spices. I add a pinch of chipotle because I steam my chiles (so much cooler in the kitchen to do that!) , but you can omit it- it is not necessary. As that is going, grab your jar and add 2 heaping teaspoons (or so) of the GF flour blend- if you like a thicker sauce, add more- I am kinda bad at writing recipes because I am one of those that refuses to follow one. So bear with me, and experiment, please. I highly encourage everyone to find their 'flavor' in the kitchen. You will be amazed at the changes you start to make in your diet once you do... But, I digress- where were we? Yes- the jar. Insert flour, add water, and shake. Shake, and dance while you do it. Smiles are a great additive to any mexican dish. I promise, you CAN taste the joy. Ask hubs when you see him. He will tell you. 

My stuff doing its best sautee

  Jar left (red top) is the flour/water mix; Jar right (gold? top) is my beloved coconut milk. SOOOO good. Not for drinking, though- this one is the consistency of heavy cream. 
Once your mushrooms look mostly cooked, toss the flour water mix and about 1/4-1/3 cup of the coconut cream into the pot. mix well- once you have reached the thickness you like, remove from heat and pull out the blender. 

This stuff is soooo good- if you like a chunky sauce, just pulse a couple of times. I made it super smooth just for hubs...this one time....
If you are devious like me, you can pretend you are in some random horror movie and make all kinds of tortured cat noises while you run this so your kid can come running around the corner in a panic because he thought his mom was actually blending the cat...... Oh, wait. That really might just be a Ms. Chris thing. I admit it. This heathen mama is DEMENTED sometimes. I torture my kid that way. Hey, at least he's got a really sharp wit because of it, right?

Cat-free deliciousness. I promise. 

Now, I am pretty sure this can be canned, should you care to-  but, if you are like me (probably not), this sauce most likely won't make it past a few days. It also freezes well... I make my enchiladas FLAT, in the MICROWAVE....think mexi-lasagna. Saves me from eating excess grease ( no-frying with my method) and I can make a plate for each person in about 10 minutes. Beats the hell outta the all-afternoon operation that my grandma puts forth. Oh! Also- if you are dairy free, Daiya 'cheese' shreds are about the best thing ever...but if you are dairy free, you probably already knew that, huh. We just got them here in town- there is a whopping one Sprout market here, and the nearest Whole Foods is about 4 hours away by car... So I am a little excited...
How do you eat your enchiladas?

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