Friday, October 14, 2011

Oh, boy. I have a feeling I am going to offend some folks with this one.

Guys, seriously. I have been following the OWS movement from right here in the middle where I always am, and am becoming increasingly flabbergasted by the 'conservative' media's attempts to downplay the message of this widespread protest. Y'all. Really- this is just my take on it, but I am hoping that maybe if you see what I see then maybe you won't be so close-minded about what is going on outside. Occupy Wall Street is basically about the average joe wanting to be heard, to give big money a visual (that is to show them that there are far more of 'us' than 'them') and remind them that in order for us to succeed collectively, we need to all put in our fair share. Before you start fuming, NO, I do NOT want you to have what I have- I want for you to put into our collective pot the same percentage that I have to. That is all. I would like for you to understand what it is like to be without things that you can afford, like health insurance, a pension plan, and more seriously for far too many, food and/or shelter. It is beyond my scope of reason to get why anyone would be angry with their neighbor (or, in these times, former neighbor- helllooo foreclosure) for wanting to have access to these things. America is the ONLY westernized country that demands so much from its citizens, yet admonishes them for asking for equal rights back.... why is that? Has our educational system fallen so far so fast that so many of us lap up what we are spoon fed? I am not asking any of you to come out and support OWS- what I am asking you to do is to think hard before you decry this movement. Remember your neighbors, if you took the time to get to know them- if not, scan your family tree. Would your ideals harm one of them? Better yet, would taxing the wealthy at OUR rate really hurt you? How so?

Also- really, really, really quickly- guys, socialism does not mean communism. Two different words for two different ideals. One can be a socialist and still want his favorite local businessman to become filthy rich- hell, one can even become filthy rich and be a socialist! Check this one out for further clarification : Best explinations for socialism and communism

Now, I am going to post a few hippie ('leftist') links so that, if you are of a different mindset than me, you can at least understand where I am coming from. Hope you take a minute to look through. 

Max Udargo's Open Letter
Interesting Comparison between TP ideals and OWS ideals

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